How to Create Interactive Posts on Social Media (+ Ideas)

How to Create Interactive Posts on Social Media (+ Ideas)

Megan Pierce
Megan Pierce2022-08-25

Social media really helps to facilitate interactions between people. As a result, interactive content has become one of the best ways to engage online and take your brand to the next level.

But there's a problem. You're trying your best but still not seeing much engagement on your social media accounts. If so, we rush to help! Today we have tips for you on how to create interactive social media posts that can increase interest in your content.

Shall we start?

What Are Interactive Social Media Posts?

Interactive posts on social media are posts that are designed to engage the reader and get them to take some action. Through these experiences, companies and people can engage in a robust two-way exchange of ideas. Interactive social media posts come in different forms and types, but they all have one thing in common: they are created with the intention of getting the reader to play, respond, click, share, etc. - in a word: to interact.

Unfortunately, social media interaction posts are not all the posts you see on social platforms. While people can like, comment, and share your product photos, such a post is not interactive, and these features are inherent in all social media content. On the other hand, interactive posts are intentionally crafted to engage audiences on a deeper level. As a result, consumers receive fun posts and a personalized experience.

So, with interactive content, social media users become more than just passive recipients of messages. Instead, they become actual participants in the interaction. To facilitate this type of behavior, brands can create different types of content, such as 360-degree videos, flashy infographics, surveys, or Q&A sections that encourage all-important questions.

Why are Interactive Posts so Important?

Since social media users no longer focus on content as much as they used to, and competition for marketers is gradually increasing, such interactive content strategy has a chance to break through into the target audience's mind and offer more immersive experiences. In addition, social media interaction posts can boost the amount of time your readers spend on your site due to their engaging nature. Thus, they can help you gain more followers by encouraging them to share your materials.

What’s more, your marketing strategy, as well as social media campaigns, will be more successful if you include interactive posts. Like we've said before, content such as these can create a mutually beneficial relationship between a company and its users and boost user interaction like no other.

Furthermore, interactive social media posts can generate comments and reactions, which will help you understand your followers' buying habits. In turn, this will be crucial for improving and developing your products. Also, you can use social media interaction posts to gain insights into your followers and know what they enjoy. Thus, you can boost customer satisfaction and improve customer service.

Moreover, to collect email addresses, brands often offer interactive content as a lead magnet. Consequently, thanks to such posts, you can increase your customer base and, for example, create interactive emails about your beauty products.

4 Interactive Post Ideas for Your Social Media

#1 Quizzes

Quizzes can interest your audience and are the perfect way to use their curiosity to your advantage. These games are fun, challenging, and perfect for entertaining people. They also bring a lot of quality feedback. The reason they get so much social media engagement is that they differentiate themselves well from other types of content. Additionally, quizzes can help you understand where your clientele comes from and what they are looking for. In addition, no matter how long or short a quiz may be, people will quickly interact and respond if it's straightforward.

As a result, unlike contests, you don't need to promise a reward to get people to participate - satisfying their curiosity is enough to entice them. You can create quizzes that reveal something about your users, about your brand or create ones that are totally unrelated to your company but based on a trendy topic. And that's it - interaction is guaranteed.

#2 Polls and surveys

You can also interact with your audience with polls and surveys. There is usually one simple question in a poll, while a successful survey is more elaborated. You can use both to get to know your customers, determine their thoughts about your product, service, or even marketing campaigns, and generally get more user feedback.

Choosing an exciting poll topic is the first and most crucial step. For example, the question might be about your makeup products to discover pain points or generate ideas for future content. Additionally, people enjoy interacting, such as when they can support their favorite football team. Therefore, you can find out what your target group likes the most and prepare a poll or interactive survey for them. Consequently, your survey response rate will increase, and your abandonment rate will decrease.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are all great places to run polls. Especially on Facebook and Instagram, it's effortless to use and can keep your followers entertained. You can also create seamless polls on Twitter and add a time limit to your clients' polls to generate a sense of urgency. LinkedIn, on the other hand, offers polls based on professional knowledge.

With this content format available on all these platforms, you can generate spontaneous research that allows you to gain insight into your readers' minds.

#3 Q&A

Q&A sessions are also worth considering to interact with your audience. They give customers a chance to get answers to their most pressing questions. In addition, you can use such sessions to gather information about users' satisfaction, preferences, or knowledge, as this is a more elaborate option than, for example, quizzes. A game like this can help a brand gain more customer feedback and valuable insights.

You can also announce such Q&A in advance. This way, you will be able to prepare some answers before the event while spreading the word about your Q&A session. In addition, these interactive content types are great for gathering ideas for future content. For example, you can write a blog post that discusses a problem extensively and offers multiple solutions.

#4 Contests

Some social media users are happy to engage with your posts and build user-generated content without a second thought. Others, however, may be more inclined to do so if they receive something in return. Therefore, contests are perfect here, because who doesn't like to receive gifts?!

There are many different engaging types of contests on social media. For a chance to win, brands require participants to tag friends, answer questions, or share something. This is why contests and giveaways are prevalent forms of interactive content.

Additionally, the Facebook platform is excellent for hosting giveaways and contests since its algorithm highlights content your online friends have interacted with recently. As a result, getting people to engage with your posts will lead to you reaching new and larger audiences.

How to Create Interactive Posts on Social Media

All social media post ideas sound great, doesn't it? We think so too! So to help you get started using engaging posts in your social media strategy, we've put together 5 elements to help you build the perfect interactive social media posts.

#1 Identify Your Target Audience

Before you dive straight into creating interactive content, take some time and ask yourself some basic questions. Some of these should relate to your audience, as they are the ones you are creating your content for, and you want them to resonate with it in the first place. First, understand who your target group is. How many followers do you have? Where do they come from? How much time do they spend on your accounts? All of this is relevant to you.

Properly defining your target, analyzing your followers, and conducting communications that meet the needs of specific groups is the basis for running a competitive business. Even more than that - nothing more than knowing your clients allows you to manage your budget and acquire more customers with better results.

#2 Remember about the Audience’s Needs

Once you know who your audience is, the next step is to find out what they want.

By understanding your consumer views, you can more accurately determine their intentions by meeting their needs, optimizing campaigns, and improving sales. So communication should focus first and foremost on building a relationship with them and understanding their needs and requirements, not closing a deal.

Once you understand what your customers expect from you, it will be much easier for you to figure out what kind of text-based content to deliver that will appeal to them.

#3 Prepare the Right Content

Now it's time to prepare relevant content. You already know what information is expected of you, so it's time to get creative and build proper social media interaction posts. Should they convey any value, such as answering readers' questions during the Q&A section? How about dispelling doubts or providing instruction during live streaming? Try out different options, as such content is valuable to the regulars of your social media profile and anyone interested in the topic.

So decide whether to use surveys or polls. Quizzes or maybe interactive video content? Just dive in and experiment with different content to find out what works best with your audience. As a result, you will notice what kind of content marketing efforts typically gets the most attention.

#4 Use the Right Set of Tools

There are plenty of interactive tools specifically designed to help create and manage both interactive and static content.

Various platforms are available, from publishing tools to all social media platforms to those that provide extensive analytics and visual reports! In addition, many of them provide scheduling options to reduce the hassle of manual planning, content creation options to shorten the creation time and many collaboration features. What’s more, many advanced marketing tools have all mentioned features in one place, like FeedHive.

#5 Monitor the Performance of Your Interactive Posts

The last critical step is to monitor and analyze your efforts. Whether you conducted a survey, a contest, a Q&A session, or whether it was Facebook Live or an interactive infographic, it's essential to monitor and analyze each of them and find out how that activity affected engagement rates on your profile and interaction with the brand.

Answer such questions as did the post generate more engagement? How many of your followers interacted with it? Did the post increase sales? And other similar. In this way, analyzing each post can help guide future ones. Also, it's a good idea to compare different results to determine what engaging types of posts work best for your recipients.

How can FeedHive Help You?

Interactive posts sound great, but how do you go about them? It would be good to schedule them somehow in order not to repeat posts and to offer a bit of variety. In addition to this, FeedHive can assist you with a number of other tasks!

FeedHive is an AI tool for social media management. With it, you can visually plan and schedule your content delivery with click, drag, and drop.

Is that all? Definitely not.

FeedHive finds for you the best time to publish content (e.g., posts, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts) based on an analysis of your audience's activity. What's more, you can see how your content ideas will stand out with your target market or even preview it on your entire Instagram feed. Also, FeedHive allows you to automate the whole posting process through recurring posting plans. All you have to do is set up your posting plan once, and all your interactive post ideas will be queued up automatically.

So as you can see, FeedHive has a lot to offer. Its significant advantage is that you can get a lot of help from its powerful AI. For example, you can:

  • generate hashtags for your posts,
  • post to any Facebook group,
  • use +3,000 pre-generated post templates based on some of the best performing posts on social networks,
  • recycle the best posts,
  • predict the performance of your post,
  • and more.

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To sum up

The importance of interactive content for your social media accounts cannot be overstated because you need more than just talking about how excellent your brand is to boost audience engagement and conversion rates.

Fortunately, now you know you're losing out on social media if you're not interacting with your followers in the right way. For this reason, you should start creating interactive experiences for your social media audience right away.

Take advantage of FeedHive, sign up for a free account, and make your readers connect like never before.