You can now customize how your links will look like when you share them on social media!
It's easy and intuitive!
And you can customize your links for each social media if you want, just like you split your posts into different versions.
You can now select multiple posts and plan them all at once.
Select the draft posts you want to plan, click a single button, and FeedHive will drip them into your posting plan for you.
Simply go to the Posts page, select the posts you want to plan, and click Plan selected posts from the table menu.
You can now set your own recurrence for your recurring slots.
You can now set a slot to repeat every day, every week, every 3 days, every other week, every month, etc.
Go to the Schedule page under Plan - click (or create a new) post slot and choose a recurrence pattern.
You can now import posts using CSV format. This makes it easy to import posts from a Google Spread Sheet, Airtable, or any other service that can export to CSV.
See our guide on how to do this here.
See more on our Public Roadmap
Stay tuned 🚀