Setting up LinkedIn on FeedHive

Setting up LinkedIn on FeedHive

Simon Høiberg
Simon Høiberg2021-08-08

Cross-posting is an absolute must. It is an opportunity to engage new audiences and open new social channels.

Now you can cross-post with FeedHive without the extra work. This post will get you started with LinkedIn on FeedHive and will cover the following topics:

  • Adding a LinkedIn account
  • Adding a company page
  • Using the editor together with LinkedIn
  • FAQ

Adding a linkedin account

LinkedIn is available for everyone; no matter what pricing plan you are on, and the same goes for LinkedIn Company Pages. To add LinkedIn to your FeedHive account you must first have an account on LinkedIn or have access to one.

To add the profile navigate to the /socials page and click the + Add Social button. Hereafter you pick LinkedIn from the list of available Platforms.

Selecting the desired platform will initiate a login flow that will redirect you to the platform's website. Follow the instructions presented on the screen.

Once done you will be redirected back to FeedHive, and the newly added LinkedIn Account is now available throughout FeedHive.

Adding a LinkedIn company page

To add a LinkedIn company page, you follow the same steps as above but with a few tweaks.The LinkedIn company page is not an account of its own so you need to use a profile that has admin rights to the company page. Typically this can be the profile that created the page in the first place or a private profile that later on received editorial access.

You will have to sign in with that personal profile when you initiate the Sign-In flow from FeedHive.

When you are redirected back to FeedHive after having authorized the selected profile, you will now be presented with the option to select either the personal profile or the company page as your new provider. In this case, you will select the company page.See the image below 👇

You are now ready to post to a LinkedIn company page.

Using the editor and preview

When a LinkedIn profile has been added FeedHive unlocks a few extra tricks. You get access to a LinkedIn preview that will let you see how your post is going to look before it is released. FeedHive will also guide you with LinkedIn limitations to ensure the post is compliant.

Default Settings

With multiple social providers, you now get the option to choose which Account to post from.The image below shows the accounts I have connected and have available. Selecting a LinkedIn account in the editor will active the beforementioned features.


  • Why can't I select multiple LinkedIn accounts at the same time?

    Posting the same content to multiple LinkedIn accounts is prohibited by LinkedIn usage policies. The same goes for all the other social platforms.

  • The Company page is not showing up in the Sign-in flow?

    Make sure to authenticate an account that has Posting access to the company page otherwise you won't be able to add it.

  • I am missing features!

    The LinkedIn integration is not 100% complete and we are always eager to learn what our users want to do with FeedHive. Reach out and tell us what you want 👍