Are you a freshly hired social media manager, or maybe just one looking for an upskilling opportunity? Are you looking for answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about social media management? Perhaps you've got an upcoming social media marketing interview and want to prepare?
We've got all the information you're looking for in this article!
From general questions, through more specific ones about YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook and even Instagram.
Simply put, you couldn’t have picked a better article to read.
Let's get started right away, shall we?
Who is this article for? Social platforms managers, content marketing geeks, social media presence builders, digital marketing strategies designers, social media management company owners, visual content creators, social media content builders and more. Simply put - all people digital marketing-related.
Looking for free social media tools? Have a question about today’s slang or the pricing aspect of running social media channels? Maybe you want to find out how to learn a social media strategy in 1 hour and boost your social media profiles? This part will give you insights into these specific, common questions and more.👇
There are various free social media management tools out there to choose from. Examples include Buffer, CoScheduler, Hootsuite and Sprout Social (just a free trial). However, it’s best to opt in for a paid solution, even a really cheap one, as those usually perform much better compared to their free competitors.
💡 Read more: Free social media schedulers: real price tag
Social media kit: what is it and how to use it?
Social media management pricing: things to consider
A social media (SM) audit is a process of evaluating the performance of a company's SM marketing. This evaluation can be performed for a company's SM marketing or their competitors'. It often includes an assessment of the company's SM presence, such as its content strategy, aims, and current status.
“DM” stands for “Direct Message” and it’s a popular abbreviation used on social media, especially on Twitter. If someone from your profile’s audience asks you to “DM” them, it means that they’d like you to contact them through a direct, private message.
“NSFW” is an abbreviation for “Not Safe For Work”. It is used to warn someone that a website, link or email content etc. isn’t appropriate for viewing at the place of work. This means that if you ever receive a message with a “NSFW” abbreviation next to it, you should be careful where you open it.
A social media influencer is a person who has the power to influence people and their choices through social media. They are able to do so thanks to their big following on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube. Popular influencers include Addison Rae, Khaby Lame and Kylie Jenner.
The cost of managing your brand’s social media will depend on many factors, including the amount of content and engagement you require, who’s in charge of your profiles (a freelancer or an agency), and even on your business goals. Ultimately, it varies from country to country, and also from niche to niche.
The cost of social media management varies heavily depending on the audience size, requirements, goals, industry, social media skills and more. To make your calculations a bit easier, it’s worth checking out rate calculators for specific niches in specific countries of a social media manager job.
Effective crisis management on social media is a complex task. Some things that may help you are designing clearly defined community rules, monitoring your profiles at all times, as well as planning and practicing in advance. You should definitely avoid making rushed decisions, among other things.
💡 Read more: Tackling crisis management on social media: tips
Learning social media (SM) so quickly seems impossible for new social media users, but it doesn’t have to be. Even if you can't learn everything about social media management in 60 minutes, you can still gain a lot of useful information. Below, there’s a useful 1-hour course to get you going.
💡 Read more: 1 hour Social Media Management Course
To become a social media (SM) manager you must get a job using job search portals like LinkedIn or Indeed for example. To do it, you should have a specific skill set typical for successful SM managers. It includes thinking outside of the box and strong writing skills. Find more in the below article.
💡 Read more: 15 Traits Every Social Media Account Manager Needs to Succeed in 2022
In this part of the article, you'll find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about Facebook when it comes to social media management. 👇
The most successful types of content on Facebook include video, live video, text posts, photos and GIFs. They are able to captivate audiences and effectively drive engagement, bringing great results. Despite being around for ages, GIFs are especially interesting. Find out their use cases below.
💡 Read more: Facebook GIFs: 10+ best use cases
There are at least 13 different ways to contact the Facebook Support Team. They include visiting the Facebook Help Center, opening a case through their live chat, and even going to their address in California, USA. One is certain though - with enough effort, you’ll get the help you’re looking for.
To make a post shareable on Facebook, you should adjust your audience settings. To do it, find the post you want to make shareable. Next, click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner. Then, select “Edit Audience”, and switch your post to the “Public” option. And voila - your post is not shareable!
If your Facebook profile or company page isn’t working for some reason, it’s best to reach out to their support to seek guidance on what to do. It could be a temporary issue, as well as a more serious bug. Either way - it’s best to contact them. For details on how to do it, check question #12.
If you’re looking to change your personal or company’s profile name, you must navigate to your profile’s or page’s settings. From that level, you should be able to access the “Settings and Privacy” section. There, you’ll find the option to edit your name.
Are you just starting a company Twitter profile? Are you looking to get more followers on this platform? Check this section of questions and answers to boost your Twitter skills as a social media manager.👇
Sometimes, changing your Twitter handle is necessary (e.g. rebranding). To do it, go to “Settings and privacy” and select “Account”. Next, select “Username” and change your handle. If the username is taken, you'll be asked to choose another one. Tap “Done” and it’s ready.
💡 Read more: Best social media handles: how to choose them?
Making your or your company’s Twitter profile private is really easy. On Twitter, simply go to “Settings”, then “Privacy and safety”. Next, select “Audience and tagging”, and tick the “Protect your tweets” option. Note: your current followers will still be able to see your profile and its content.
Muting some words on Twitter can be part of your crisis management plan. To do it, go to 'Settings and privacy'. Then navigate to 'Privacy and safety', and 'Mute and block'. Next, select 'Muted words'. From there, tap the plus sign and enter the word you want to mute. All done!
Getting followers on Twitter requires specific tasks done by you to attract as many people to your profile as possible. They include: , and. If you want to learn more, check some of the below blog posts.
💡 Read more: Getting from 0 to 20 thousand followers on Twitter - how?
Growing your Twitter audience to 16000 people in less than a year
7 tips on growing your Twitter account quickly
Using Feedhive to grow your Twitter audience - how can it help?
Changing your Twitter profile privacy settings is a fairly easy task to do. On Twitter, simply navigate to the “Settings and privacy” section. Next, select “Privacy and safety”. From there, you can make various settings, for example protect and unprotect your tweets.
Check out our answers to some of the questions about the popular video streaming and social media platform asked by social media managers like you.👇
If your company doesn’t benefit from using YouTube premium, you can easily cancel the subscription. All you have to do is go to this link and you’ll be able to directly cancel the plan from your computer or android there. Alternatively, there’s a guide on how to do it on Apple devices.
Getting 1 million views on YouTube is a great achievement, and it’s even better when it comes with some money as a reward. Videos with 1 million views usually pay between $2,000 and $3,000, that’s if you use ads of course.This rate, however, may differ across countries.
To get monetized on YouTube, you must join the YouTube Partner Program. It allows you to get money through Ads, Channel Memberships, Merch, Super Chat and Super Stickers, as well as YouTube Premium. There are different eligibility requirements you need to meet. For more details, visit this website.
Scheduling YouTube Shorts is a really simple process. You can do it directly using FeedHive. Just connect your YouTube channel to your FeedHive account, and then choose when and how often you want your shorts to be posted. You can even add custom messages to each short. Read more below.
💡 Read more: Scheduling YouTube shorts: how?
Before you decide to delete a YouTube channel, remember you can also temporarily hide your content. If you really want to delete your channel, it’s best to follow the guide provided by Google. You can access it here. It tells you both how to hide your content and delete your channel permanently.
Whether you’re new to Instagram as a brand or are looking to boost your current efforts, this section will help you become a pro. It answers some of the questions that Instagram profile managers seek answers to.👇
If you don’t care much about likes and views on Instagram, you can quickly turn them off. To do it, tap on the menu bar in the upper right-hand corner of your profile page in the Instagram App. Then, select “Settings.” Switch “Hide like and view counts” on or off - that’s it!
If you want to add multiple photos to your Instagram story, you can do it by using the “Photo Sticker’ feature. Alternatively, there’s also the “Layout” and “upload multiple pictures” features available to use as well.
You can pin an Instagram comment by swiping left on it, then tapping the gray pushpin icon. Keep in mind that when you pin a comment, the author of it will be notified about it.
To share your Instagram post to your story, find the post you want to publish and click on it. Next, click on the paper place icon and select the “Add Post to Your Story” option. Instagram will create a story for you. You can now add anything you want to it and just publish the post to your story.
💡 Read more: Best time to post on Instagram
Instagram used to allow Reels to be only 60 seconds. Now, it’s possible for your Instagram Reels to be up to 90 seconds long. This gives content creators more flexibility in terms of the type of content they can now share on the platform.
💡 Read more: Easily scheduling Instagram Reels: a how-to guide
Do you have no clue where to search for the hottest TikTok trends?? Do you want to know the best tools for TikTok creators like you? Check out this part of the blog post for your answers. 👇
In order to keep up with what's trending on TikTok, you should regularly visit places like marketing blogs, Quora, Instagram and YouTube. However, the best place to look is the TikTok app itself.
There are a number of useful tools available to TikTok creators. You might be able to get help with scheduling content, cross-posting, and planning. One of them is FeedHive, a tool that allows you to cross-post content from Instagram and YouTube to TikTok.
Getting noticed by TikTok's algorithm is one way to make it to the 'for you' page. On the FYP page, you can sometimes find the most random videos. Uploading engaging and entertaining videos is another way to make it to the main page - the more people interact with it, the better your chances are.
Creating a viral TikTok video isn't easy. However, it’s possible to make it to the for you page if you have the right content and strategy. You may benefit from using trending sounds and filters, as well as relevant content.
💡 Read more: Best time to post on TikTok
Despite TikTok's popularity, other platforms worth using include Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Everything depends largely on your objectives for using social media.
And that’s a wrap!
We hope you managed to find the answers to your questions in this article. If not, we might do part II on our blog - who knows! ;)
By the way, if you ever need help, our FeedHive Team will be more than glad to help with your social media content.
We provide an intelligent, AI-powered solution to make your life as a social media manager easier.
With us, you’ll quickly and effortlessly create, schedule and publish, as well as manage your content across various social networks. TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more - you name it, we'll help you grow your online presence.
For more details, visit our website or sign up for a completely free trial.
Other than that, many thanks for stopping by and we hope to see you again around sometime soon.