The Evolution of Social Media Marketing: A Retrospective

The Evolution of Social Media Marketing: A Retrospective

Syed Hassan Zaman
Syed Hassan Zaman2023-06-24

Today, social media profiles have become the nexus for every business and marketer. It's likely to be necessary for them to have an online presence if they want to reach 5.18 billion people globally. But do you know social media marketing wasn't the same years back?

The evolution of social media marketing stands as a testament to its transformative power. It has revolutionized the way people do business and consumers make purchases.

Nowadays, every brand wants to target a massive audience and generate valuable leads, and that’s why they utilize the power of social media marketing to achieve this. But as a marketer, have you ever imagined: How did social media marketing start and undergo such a meaningful transformation? Well, it's worth knowing.

That's why we have curated this blog to provide valuable insights into the evolution of social media marketing. So, If you are curious to uncover the answers, read on and satisfy your curiosity.

The History Of Social Media Marketing

The History of social media marketing can be traced back to the early years when the Internet emerged. Social media has evolved from a mere electronic information exchange or virtual gathering place to the only marketing tool of the 21st century real quick. In the 1980s, some online communication services, including CompuServe and Prodigy, came into being.

But they are limited to digital communication via email or bulletin board messaging. Then in 1988, Jarkko Oikarinen set up the first chat server called Internet Relay Chat (IRC), allowing its users to chat in real-time. But the actual thing came in 1997, named Six Degrees, the first social networking site. However, it was short-lived and died soon.

After the end of Six Degrees in 2002, Jonathan Abrams stepped forward and introduced his online community, Friendster. That was more likely to be a gaming application afterward. However, with the emergence of Facebook, Linkedin And Twitter, we began to see some glimpses of social media marketing.

And marketers find more opportunities to engage with their targeted audiences and promote their brands worldwide. People also accepted this easy exploration, and social media has grown more powerful and bigger over time. And now, it has led to the dynamic and ever-expanding field we know today.

The Evolution of Social Media Marketing

In this section, you’ll get a more comprehensive understanding of the evolution of social media marketing. We know that many of you are only familiar with popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, but have you ever thought about how social media marketing started? As humans evolved from primitive ancestors and progressed over time, social media marketing has undergone a similar transformative journey. So allow us to take you on a captivating rollercoaster ride through the past.

1. Six Degrees (1997-2001)

Six Degrees was the first platform that laid the foundation of today's social media. It was launched in 1997 on the concept of six degrees of separation. This social site allows people to create profiles and build networks. This platform experienced rapid growth and boasted millions of users worldwide. However, despite its initial success, it has faced challenges in generating revenue and sustaining its user base and closed its virtual doors in 2001.

2. Friendster (2002-2015)

Friendster was founded by Jonatha Abrams in 2002 and was the most influential social media platform. It has introduced many new and exciting features, including profile customization, photo sharing, and connecting through mutual friends, which have become standard in modern social media platforms. We can say that it was the blueprint for subsequent social networking sites, including MySpace and Facebook. But in 2015, it shifted its focus from social networking to gaming space, and it was the time it lost its spotlight.

3. MySpace (2003-2011)

MySpace is another social site that holds its significance in the evolution of social media marketing. It was founded by Tom Anderson in 2003. It allows users to optimize their profiles with custom layouts, background music, and other interactive features. After reaching the top of fame, MySpace started receiving criticism for its cluttered design, susceptibility to spam and fake profiles, and concerns over user privacy. And it had to say goodbye to the world of social media in 2011.

4. LinkedIn (2003-present)

If you wonder exactly how social media marketing started and from which platform, then the answer is LinkedIn. In 2003 a perfect social site emerged that revolutionized the concept of professional networking by creating a dedicated platform for connecting professionals. Linkdln was created by Reid Hoffman, who wanted to facilitate career-oriented interactions.

It allowed individuals to create detailed professional profiles, highlight their skills and experiences, and connect with colleagues and potential employers. This professional-oriented approach made LinkedIn an invaluable tool for networking, job hunting, and personal branding.

5. Facebook (2004-present)

After its release in 2004, Facebook has become one of the most influential and widely recognized social media platforms. It was just started as a college-based networking site at Harvard University, but later after it grew into a global phenomenon with 2.98 billion active users.

Recognizing the potential of Facebook for businesses, the platform introduced Facebook Pages that allow organizations and startups to create a presence and interact with their audience. Facebook gave rise to a new era of social media marketing, where businesses could reach and engage their target consumers more effectively.

The Future of Social Media Marketing

The evolution of social media marketing is an ongoing journey that shows no signs of slowing down. It continues to expand and evolve, presenting new opportunities for businesses and marketers. As each day goes by, new platforms, features, and trends emerge, reshaping the way we connect, engage, and share information. However, social media is now not only limited to Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn; we are witnessing more personalized niche-specific platforms.

And if your business wants to excel in the reign of social media, it needs to harness the power of AI. AI-powered content generation and algorithms are now revolutionizing the game for businesses. If you want to drive more sales, attract more leads and generate more revenue, then let AI help you with this. Now if you are wondering which AI tool is the best to achieve all this, then try using FeedHive. It can take all the burdens of creating optimized content by scheduling, posting and analyzing for you.

Final Take

The evolution of social media marketing is a rollercoaster ride and a fascinating journey that has completely transformed the way marketers connect with their consumers. Starting from its humble beginning, from Six Degrees to the current networking site, everything has changed.

Moreover, one significant game-changer is integrating artificial intelligence (AI) in social media marketing as we look to the future. If you also want to expand your business in this era of social media, consider leveraging AI's power with tools like FeedHive.